Tuesday 5 January 2016

PVP Rated Battleground

happy new year, and this is the first post of the year. i have been pvp-ing with the guild during the spare time. rated battleground is actually quite fun!

some random pvp achievements :p

our group photo after getting first sergeant :)

we are still a pve guild but there is really nothing much to do nowadays. since mythic HFC is just a one night raid, we end up having a lot of time for alt runs, leveling new chars, farming achievements, and pvp, etc.

Starting from Ground Zero

legendary ring don't work

tier set don't work

pve trinkets don't work

pve gears are all scale down to level 725 (worse than blue pvp gears)

0 versatility

we keep losing initially, in fact we are basically getting raped every match lol. that is expected of course, without any pvp coordination and experiences on our part, and without any pvp gears, and without knowing the maps well, there is no way we can survive in a rated battleground.

after playing a few rounds, we began to form up our own strategy for each maps, and also begin to play more in-sync with each other. our mmr drop after losing few rounds, and we start to collect more pvp gears, things became more "meaningful" now.

PVP Gearing

pvp gearing is very simple & straight forward

the priority is trinkets > weapons > pvp set > off-pieces

pve trinket is totally useless, nothing more than just a stats stick. and yet pvp trinket is so powerful. so logically, it is top priority.

weapons is our best dps slot, and became our next priority.

from then on, we try to get as much versatility as we can, from gears and enchants.

PVP Addon

i didn't know there are useful addon for pvp, until someone pointed out that we should use them.

battleground targets

healers have to die

with the help of these addon, we can easily see who are the enemy healers and everyone can switch to the same target quickly as and when we need to focus down a specific healer.

Gearing Up Choices

as mentioned previously, our 2 trinkets and weapons is the most important upgrade initially.

priority upgrades

1 Trinket x 2
2 Weapon

after these, i decided to came up with my own list of gears changing priority. surprisingly, sockets still work in rated battleground.

our pve gears - scale down to level 725
honor pvp gears - level 730
conquest pvp gears - level 740

however, if the 725 came with a socket, it is potentially better than the 730 pvp gear. since we only play rated battleground, we should be earning more conquest points than honor points too.

using honor points (gears without socket)

1 Shoulder
2 Glove
3 Boot
4 Cloak
5 Bracer
6 Ring

using conquest points (gears with socket)

1 Chest - socket
2 Helm - socket
3 Legging - socket
4 Belt - socket
5 Neck - socket
6 Ring - socket

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